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—  REtail  —

Pop-up shops, brick-and-mortar stores, merchandising and marketing - when it comes to retail, Bri has done it all.


—  Pop-up shop  —
Work with Bri to create a beautiful, temporary space that represents your brand, speaks to your consumer and optimizes conversion.
$50/square foot (+HST)

—  Brick-and-mortar  —
From back-of-house to point-of-sale, Bri’s years of experience in retail design, merchandising and marketing will bring your brand to life.
Specializing in customer journey, brand story-telling, conversion and strategic, data-based merchandising, Bri aims to deliver an unforgettable grand-opening and a retail environment that optimizes sales and brings your brand into the 3rd dimension.
Contact for a quote

—  Merchandising  —
Want to optimize sales? Bri will work with you to analyze your sales data and make recommendations on best practices to get the best buck for your real estate.
Contact for a quote